I am looking at submitting the article to Healthy Living Magazine. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kw5ljiy04bw954o/Writer%20Guidelines.docx
"HL is looking for original, fresh, thought provoking, disruptive writing, free from banalities, overused words/phrases, manipulations and overstatements." I think my article idea is somewhat fresh and original so I think this might be a good fit.
They have a giant list of words and phrases to avoid, and I will have to
go through my article to ensure that it doesn't contain any of them.
Also looking at The Health Journal. This magazine covers a wide range of
topics related to health, fitness, and wellness, including parenting,
senior health, natural healing. http://www.thehealthjournals.com/editorial/
I will need to add subheads to break up the reading and provide organization.
I think I will need to do another few rounds of editing my article to ensure it sounds professional as well as personal. It might be a bit too conversational sounding.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Monday, August 20, 2018
Self Evaluation
I think my best articles were these:
Is your current voice a successful voice? How so?
I think my current voice is a fairly successful voice, there’s knowledge, wisdom, humor, and connection with it. I just have a hard time staying on beat, trying to find a good fit for a beat for me is something I have struggled with for most of my life. My brain seems to be wired to see 60 million possibilities and want to do them all. I think if I was to nail a beat for myself I would truly love to write more.
What have you learned?
I have a problem with run on sentences! Lol. Seriously, I have learned a great deal from the lectures and my fellow classmates. The most important aspect of writing for me is BIC -- butt in chair. I need to just do it and get out of my own way. I also learned that I need to write fast, edit slow* and often.
*This seems to be a paraphrase of a Paul Valery aphorism
Where do you want to go next?
I don’t know. This class made me realize how much I do enjoy the writing and editing process, even though it is extremely difficult for me. I don’t want to write for others, I would like to do my own thing--just not sure what that is yet. I own a domain called collected-stories which I would like to maybe transition to something. Just not sure what.
Would you rename your blog or pseudonym?
Hell Yeah--this was just for the class so I could be free.
Would you start over with a different beat?
Yes, I believe I would. This was an interesting beat to write about, and I grew passionate about it, but I don’t think I’m that hooked into it to continue on. But one never knows, I just might just to have something to write about.
How will you proceed?
To be honest, I don’t have a game plan. Might be part of my problem, though I’ve never been much of a planner and I’ve done ok so far. So we will see.
Is your current voice a successful voice? How so?
I think my current voice is a fairly successful voice, there’s knowledge, wisdom, humor, and connection with it. I just have a hard time staying on beat, trying to find a good fit for a beat for me is something I have struggled with for most of my life. My brain seems to be wired to see 60 million possibilities and want to do them all. I think if I was to nail a beat for myself I would truly love to write more.
What have you learned?
I have a problem with run on sentences! Lol. Seriously, I have learned a great deal from the lectures and my fellow classmates. The most important aspect of writing for me is BIC -- butt in chair. I need to just do it and get out of my own way. I also learned that I need to write fast, edit slow* and often.
*This seems to be a paraphrase of a Paul Valery aphorism
Where do you want to go next?
I don’t know. This class made me realize how much I do enjoy the writing and editing process, even though it is extremely difficult for me. I don’t want to write for others, I would like to do my own thing--just not sure what that is yet. I own a domain called collected-stories which I would like to maybe transition to something. Just not sure what.
Would you rename your blog or pseudonym?
Hell Yeah--this was just for the class so I could be free.
Would you start over with a different beat?
Yes, I believe I would. This was an interesting beat to write about, and I grew passionate about it, but I don’t think I’m that hooked into it to continue on. But one never knows, I just might just to have something to write about.
How will you proceed?
To be honest, I don’t have a game plan. Might be part of my problem, though I’ve never been much of a planner and I’ve done ok so far. So we will see.
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Playing in the Outdoors
I went hiking last week for the first time this summer, and it was long overdue. Between the hot, humid weather and social obligations we hadn’t been able to find any time or desire to go. But last week we decided it was a needed activity despite the heat and traveled up to Bash-Bish falls. The thought of the cool water at the end and the sight of the falls seemed called to us!
To those who do not know I am not the most inshape, athletic, graceful, or flexible of people. This did impact my hike a bit as the short hike had a bit of an incline, which did not slow down my husband or step sons, but caused me to be a bit of a straggler and had my calves screaming at me to reconsider this insanity. But I persisted--and made a pact with my calves that in the future I would work at stretching and strengthening them if they would just quiet down and let me get on with my hike.
The falls were beautiful and definitely worth the short hike! We noticed than in order to get anywhere near the water we had to climb down over rocks and boulders. As I said I am not graceful or flexible, so my husband was a bit concerned about me climbing down. So I decided to stay at the path and he and the boys climbed down.
As I sat there I thought about how I was tired and frustrated that my lack of healthy living was interrupting some fun and adventure in my life. So while they were just reaching the bottom, I scooted on my butt down some of the rocks, and very carefully stepped and climbed my way down. I finally made it to a big hug from my husband.
The cold water was heavenly as we found a little knee deep area we could walk around a bit in and splash on our bodies to revive ourselves. We sat there and enjoyed the coolness and the nature for quite awhile.
Instead of taking the path back to the car, we walked down through the river enjoying the surroundings. It was a beautiful and cool hike and a great decision. We made it back to the car without incident, which is surprising considering my lack of grace and the abundance of moss on some of the rocks.
Sometimes I get so caught up in managing life that I forget to play. This was a great way to play and a great reminder of why. I felt great mentally and physically afterwards and had a great day with my husband and step sons. What could be better?
To those who do not know I am not the most inshape, athletic, graceful, or flexible of people. This did impact my hike a bit as the short hike had a bit of an incline, which did not slow down my husband or step sons, but caused me to be a bit of a straggler and had my calves screaming at me to reconsider this insanity. But I persisted--and made a pact with my calves that in the future I would work at stretching and strengthening them if they would just quiet down and let me get on with my hike.
The falls were beautiful and definitely worth the short hike! We noticed than in order to get anywhere near the water we had to climb down over rocks and boulders. As I said I am not graceful or flexible, so my husband was a bit concerned about me climbing down. So I decided to stay at the path and he and the boys climbed down.
As I sat there I thought about how I was tired and frustrated that my lack of healthy living was interrupting some fun and adventure in my life. So while they were just reaching the bottom, I scooted on my butt down some of the rocks, and very carefully stepped and climbed my way down. I finally made it to a big hug from my husband.
The cold water was heavenly as we found a little knee deep area we could walk around a bit in and splash on our bodies to revive ourselves. We sat there and enjoyed the coolness and the nature for quite awhile.
Instead of taking the path back to the car, we walked down through the river enjoying the surroundings. It was a beautiful and cool hike and a great decision. We made it back to the car without incident, which is surprising considering my lack of grace and the abundance of moss on some of the rocks.
Sometimes I get so caught up in managing life that I forget to play. This was a great way to play and a great reminder of why. I felt great mentally and physically afterwards and had a great day with my husband and step sons. What could be better?
Time to Play App
What ways are you integrating active play into your life? #506iv #question #TimetoPlay
Someday in the future I see an app where you can use it to help find ways to play, people to play with and areas to play in.
The front page of the app would offer 4 choices:
A traditional activity tracker but with a list of playtime activities and a write in option. Linking aspect to “Local Play Areas” and “Who’s Playing”. Also, possibly a note section.
Ways of Playing
Lists of different activities with with tips, instructions, etc.
Some of the activities in the list: Dancing, Playing Kickball, Soccer, Role Playing, Sand castle building, Hiking, etc.
Local Play Areas
A mapping of the different types of activities in the local area (great if you are on vacation or travelling for work as well as in your home community).
Shows “Who’s Playing” what and where.
Who’s Playing
Using pseudonyms, people can sign up for the different activities in the area (Meetup model).
Community chats, possibly an option.
Become a member
Typical app signup, but with a pseudonym.
What ways are you integrating active play into your life? #506iv #question #TimetoPlay
Someday in the future I see an app where you can use it to help find ways to play, people to play with and areas to play in.
The front page of the app would offer 4 choices:
- Tracking Active Playtime
- Ideas of Active Playtime
- Local Play Areas
- Who’s Playing
- Become a Member
A traditional activity tracker but with a list of playtime activities and a write in option. Linking aspect to “Local Play Areas” and “Who’s Playing”. Also, possibly a note section.
Ways of Playing
Lists of different activities with with tips, instructions, etc.
Some of the activities in the list: Dancing, Playing Kickball, Soccer, Role Playing, Sand castle building, Hiking, etc.
Local Play Areas
A mapping of the different types of activities in the local area (great if you are on vacation or travelling for work as well as in your home community).
Shows “Who’s Playing” what and where.
Who’s Playing
Using pseudonyms, people can sign up for the different activities in the area (Meetup model).
Community chats, possibly an option.
Become a member
Typical app signup, but with a pseudonym.
Missing in Wikipedia--Benefits of Play in Adults
While it is known that play is an integral part of childhood, research is now finding out that it has an incredible amount of benefits, and not only for children. Adults need to start integrating play into their lives to reap these benefits.
Social interaction is a key benefit in play by requiring groups of people to collaborate, negotiate, follow rules, and experience winning and losing.(1) It helps you connect better with others by allowing you to let your guard down, not be so serious,(3) and helping to maintain a social well-being, which many studies suggest is key for living longer.(1)
Engaging in play shapes the cerebral cortex, where cognitive process takes place, which enhances creativity and aids people in solving complex issues.(5) Even corporations are starting to recognize the benefits as Google encouraged their employes to loosen up, have fun, and play in order to promote progress and innovation.(3)
Stress relief is a great byproduct of play in allowing people to release aggressions in a socially acceptable manner(2). By providing a healthy distraction from work and other personal issues(3) play takes you out of time and helps you focus on the present.(4)
Play has been found to have a protective effect against depression(1) which could be a helpful addition in a country where 16.2 million people have at least one major depressive episode a year(6). Improving depression may also have an impact on memory since they are located in the same part of the brain, and depression can often be mistaken for memory loss states Fortunata Battaglia, a neurologist and associate professor at Seton Hall's School of Health and Medical Science.(1)
Play should start to be considered an integral part of our lifestyle in order to not only living longer, but for quality of that life. There are many ways to bring play back into our lives, games, physical activity, and just goofing around with children, pets, and other adults will benefit all. After all, play often brings laughter, and if nothing else, laughter is the best medicine.
1 https://stayingsharp.aarp.org/art/relax/15/playtime-adults.html
2 https://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-tian-dayton/when-adults-play_b_666145.html
3 https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/02/health/why-adults-should-play-too/index.html
4 https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2014/08/06/336360521/play-doesnt-end-with-childhood-why-adults-need-recess-too
5 http://www.nifplay.org/opportunities/
6 https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/major-depression.shtml
Social interaction is a key benefit in play by requiring groups of people to collaborate, negotiate, follow rules, and experience winning and losing.(1) It helps you connect better with others by allowing you to let your guard down, not be so serious,(3) and helping to maintain a social well-being, which many studies suggest is key for living longer.(1)
Engaging in play shapes the cerebral cortex, where cognitive process takes place, which enhances creativity and aids people in solving complex issues.(5) Even corporations are starting to recognize the benefits as Google encouraged their employes to loosen up, have fun, and play in order to promote progress and innovation.(3)
Stress relief is a great byproduct of play in allowing people to release aggressions in a socially acceptable manner(2). By providing a healthy distraction from work and other personal issues(3) play takes you out of time and helps you focus on the present.(4)
Play has been found to have a protective effect against depression(1) which could be a helpful addition in a country where 16.2 million people have at least one major depressive episode a year(6). Improving depression may also have an impact on memory since they are located in the same part of the brain, and depression can often be mistaken for memory loss states Fortunata Battaglia, a neurologist and associate professor at Seton Hall's School of Health and Medical Science.(1)
Play should start to be considered an integral part of our lifestyle in order to not only living longer, but for quality of that life. There are many ways to bring play back into our lives, games, physical activity, and just goofing around with children, pets, and other adults will benefit all. After all, play often brings laughter, and if nothing else, laughter is the best medicine.
1 https://stayingsharp.aarp.org/art/relax/15/playtime-adults.html
2 https://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-tian-dayton/when-adults-play_b_666145.html
3 https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/02/health/why-adults-should-play-too/index.html
4 https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2014/08/06/336360521/play-doesnt-end-with-childhood-why-adults-need-recess-too
5 http://www.nifplay.org/opportunities/
6 https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/major-depression.shtml
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Organic Playtime
Some years ago when my kids were small we took them on a camping vacation. At the campground that first night right after dinner, we noticed a large group of kids gathering on the field behind the office. Kids of a variety of ages milled around and sorted themselves into two teams. They then proceeded to play kickball. My kids asked if they could play too, and ran to join in.
This continued the next night and it was obvious that most of the kids had not met before that week, and that some did not speak any English.
On the third night the parents and some of the other campers started bringing bowls of food and beverages to the field for impromptu potluck dinners. We would join in the game, hang and chat with each other, and play with the smaller kids who were to young to join in. This continued for the rest of the time we were there. It was a wonderful week of meeting new people, activity, and good food.
Looking back at that week, I wonder if and how that be translated into “real life”. How can we as a society start showing up and playing together? I’m still trying to figure that out, how to change a culture of compartmentalization and dis-integration? How to build something that happened organically once technology and distraction were not present?
This continued the next night and it was obvious that most of the kids had not met before that week, and that some did not speak any English.
On the third night the parents and some of the other campers started bringing bowls of food and beverages to the field for impromptu potluck dinners. We would join in the game, hang and chat with each other, and play with the smaller kids who were to young to join in. This continued for the rest of the time we were there. It was a wonderful week of meeting new people, activity, and good food.
Looking back at that week, I wonder if and how that be translated into “real life”. How can we as a society start showing up and playing together? I’m still trying to figure that out, how to change a culture of compartmentalization and dis-integration? How to build something that happened organically once technology and distraction were not present?
When was the last time you played tag?
My husband and I play tag all the time at social events. We play what we call party tag!
We noticed one time that we tend to socialize together as a couple at parties and picnics and with the same people, the ones we already know. So we came up with a little game to keep us physically and socially moving through a party. It also makes parties a bit sillier.
How to play Party Tag.
Rule number 1: It is kinda like fight club in that the first rule is you don’t talk about tag. Players can’t tell anyone outside of the playing group that they are playing tag. Which gets interesting as you don’t want to seem rude to other guests or the other players.
Rule number 2: Well, that’s about where the resemblance ends. So number 2 is -- No cheating!
Rule Number 3: Players come up with a term or gesture that when you walk up to your opponent signifies that they have been tagged. I generally use the term “Hey hon” and touch them on the arm. Though, once I played with twin teenage girls and it was the V8 slap to the forehead. Yeah, try explaining that to people without telling them you are playing tag. And yes, I had a huge headache at the end of the party, but it was a lot of fun to play with them.
Rule Number 4: Once tagged, the new “It” has to wait about 30 seconds to give the other player time to make a graceful exit and move on.
Rule Number 5: If you are “It” you try to unobtrusively tag your opponent, but if someone walks across your path you have to stop and speak with them.
Rule Number 6: If you are not “It” you try to unobtrusively avoid “It”.
The person not “It” at the end of the party is the winner!
We noticed one time that we tend to socialize together as a couple at parties and picnics and with the same people, the ones we already know. So we came up with a little game to keep us physically and socially moving through a party. It also makes parties a bit sillier.
How to play Party Tag.
Rule number 1: It is kinda like fight club in that the first rule is you don’t talk about tag. Players can’t tell anyone outside of the playing group that they are playing tag. Which gets interesting as you don’t want to seem rude to other guests or the other players.
Rule number 2: Well, that’s about where the resemblance ends. So number 2 is -- No cheating!
Rule Number 3: Players come up with a term or gesture that when you walk up to your opponent signifies that they have been tagged. I generally use the term “Hey hon” and touch them on the arm. Though, once I played with twin teenage girls and it was the V8 slap to the forehead. Yeah, try explaining that to people without telling them you are playing tag. And yes, I had a huge headache at the end of the party, but it was a lot of fun to play with them.
Rule Number 4: Once tagged, the new “It” has to wait about 30 seconds to give the other player time to make a graceful exit and move on.
Rule Number 5: If you are “It” you try to unobtrusively tag your opponent, but if someone walks across your path you have to stop and speak with them.
Rule Number 6: If you are not “It” you try to unobtrusively avoid “It”.
The person not “It” at the end of the party is the winner!
Audience Persona
Mabel the Mom
35-year-old female
Works in an office where she sits at her desk most of the day
Married 2 children, ages 4 and 7
5’4″ and 173 pounds; knows she is overweight and is always on the lookout for ways to shed the baby weight
Has tried fad diets on and off for the past 7 years, but always gains the weight she loses back if not more once she goes off the diet.
Has signed up for her local gym, but has trouble making time to go, either she doesn’t see her kids, friends, or has no alone time with her husband on the days she goes. Sometimes she can fit it in while the kids are at sports practice if the practices happen to coincide at the same time. But that hour is spent on a treadmill watching tv and on her smartphone texting and checking facebook, next to others doing the same exact thing.
Meals are often fast food they grab on the way to their after school/work activities, takeout or something premade from a box eaten in front of the tv.
Tired of running from one thing to another, feeling over-scheduled and overwhelmed, and noticing a lack of connection with people, she is ready for a change for herself and her family. She wants to be a better health role model for her kids but doesn’t know how. She knows she is not alone in these feelings as her friends mention feeling the same way.
35-year-old female
Works in an office where she sits at her desk most of the day
Married 2 children, ages 4 and 7
5’4″ and 173 pounds; knows she is overweight and is always on the lookout for ways to shed the baby weight
Has tried fad diets on and off for the past 7 years, but always gains the weight she loses back if not more once she goes off the diet.
Has signed up for her local gym, but has trouble making time to go, either she doesn’t see her kids, friends, or has no alone time with her husband on the days she goes. Sometimes she can fit it in while the kids are at sports practice if the practices happen to coincide at the same time. But that hour is spent on a treadmill watching tv and on her smartphone texting and checking facebook, next to others doing the same exact thing.
Meals are often fast food they grab on the way to their after school/work activities, takeout or something premade from a box eaten in front of the tv.
Tired of running from one thing to another, feeling over-scheduled and overwhelmed, and noticing a lack of connection with people, she is ready for a change for herself and her family. She wants to be a better health role model for her kids but doesn’t know how. She knows she is not alone in these feelings as her friends mention feeling the same way.
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Submission Process
I am looking at submitting the article to Healthy Living Magazine. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kw5ljiy04bw954o/Writer%20Guidelines.docx ...
Healthy living experts from around the country weigh in on the new upstart in the health world, Lynn Deming. Her outrageous claims that bei...
Originally posted this as a page instead of as a post, now I have moved it: Most of my life has been spent dieting and different exercise ...